Thursday, October 29, 2009

What To Brew?

One would think Blogger would have some kind of poll option but, alas, that doesn't appear to be the case. Mr. Deveau has kindly offered to host the next full gathering of the Brew Jam crew on November 28th, and has graciously offered us the chance to vote on which of the following we'd like to brew:

1. A sessional IPA
2. A vanilla porter
3. A classic brown ale

Vote in comments.

I should also personally note that you should all come prepared to drink, I really need to start emptying my cellar so there's going to be an awe-inspiring array coming with me. Perhaps an old-fashioned rating/tasting?


  1. So if you're all up to try a dark maple IPA I'll bring along the dark, sludgy maple, and that would get my vote. Failing that, I'm up for the vanilla porter.

  2. IPA sounds good - let's do that!
